
Monday, February 20, 2012

An Angel on a Tissue Box

Today I went to school and came to work at Brian's request. I need to take advantage of the time his mom and dad are here so I can try to keep some money coming in.  Also, we won't have results until later this week so work is a welcome distraction. 

I am a little tired today. Brian woke up and wanted to take a shower at 2am, which we were going to do, but his head was really hurting so I gave him some more pain meds and told him we could do it in a couple hours. I got up and showered at 4am so that I could help him before I went to school. He did well and wasn't feeling too off balance, but I was so afraid he would fall. His incision looks much better after a hot shower and I know he felt better. He had his morning meds and apple pie for breakfast thanks to Marcia Smallwood :)

I just called and talked to Brian's mom. She said he is resting well and only wanted one pain pill this morning when it was time. I just can't help but worry about him. I hate being at work and away. Yesterday he said he just wanted me to lay with him all day so I did and I wish I still was.

I did want to tell a special story that is just more evidence to me that God is watching out for Brian.  The other night when Uncle Bill gave Brian his blessing, he said that he felt prompted to let us know that Heavenly Father had an angel standing watch at Brian's bed and it would stay that way throughout this whole ordeal.  During my personal prayers that night and Thursday, I asked that somehow the angel would be revealed to us. Not because I doubted the blessing, but because I desired the additional comfort that would bring. I continued in faith not knowing how or when, but that I would indeed have an answer to that prayer. That answer came yesterday. It was late afternoon and Brian and I were lying in bed and I was listening to my voicemail.  Brian started chuckling and when I got off the phone I asked what was so funny. He said, "put your glasses on and look at the tissue box.  Can you see the angel?" I looked and all I could see was the flower design on the box, but he insisted that he could see a fat little cherub face with lots of curly hair and it was laughing.

I hadn't told Brian about my personal prayers, and I still haven't yet, but I know this was a miraculous answer to my most sincere prayer. If Heavenly Father is hearing and answering little prayers like my wish for us to see an angel, I know he is hearing the big ones, so please friends, keep praying for us as we await the pathology results.

1 comment:

  1. Oh what a great story! Love it! Yes, the angel is there (you may have to keep that angel forever, you know). I would.
